"For a moment, she re-discovered the purpose of her life. She was here in earth to grasp the meaning of its wild enchantment and call each thing by its right name.” -Boris Pasternak

Thursday, June 25, 2009

southwest or bust

I am a huge SouthWest fan.
Just gonna put that out there.
I've flown with them dozens and dozens of times and I have never had as horrible a flight as it was going to las vegas (our layover). I can't even case the first letters because it was that bad. We were over an hour late, and the flight attendants were awful. Here is one scenario (this really happened)
FA: What can I get you to drink?
Mom: Oh, would it be alright if I got a water and a sprite?
FA: No.
Mom: Oh, umm...
FA: I have 150 people on a 50 minute flight, I won't have time.
Mom: Okay, I'll have whatever is easier.

The following conversation is one I made up in my own head if I were to be of confrontational nature:

FA: What can I get you to drink?
me: Can I get a strawberry daiquiri?
FA: Honey, we don't have mixed drinks here.
me: well, the thing is, I have a coupon for one.
FA: I have 150 people on a 50 minute flight, I won't have time.
me: honey, if you find this job too difficult, maybe you should go back to stripping.

I am such a horrible person for even thinking that. But it was kind of true. And she was hot, not going to lie. Our pilot was the best thing about it, He was really communicative. I appreciate that. After the woman two rows ahead of me stopped throwing up, we landed. And it was raining.

We ran, and I mean, sprinted past the gambling machines and bars to get to our connecting flight. I made friends with the coolest 7 and 10 year olds. We talked and I taught them sign language. We're all from the same city and it turned out they were on the vegas flight too.

So now, I am in Rhode Island. Strange place. I am just glad to be done with the first flight anyway. And in about two hours, I get to see the people we are here for, and I am soo excited!


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