"For a moment, she re-discovered the purpose of her life. She was here in earth to grasp the meaning of its wild enchantment and call each thing by its right name.” -Boris Pasternak

Friday, June 19, 2009

The action kind of LOVE

Just finished watching Kramer vs. Kramer.

It is a powerful movie and I highly recommend it. Mother walks out on father and son. Pre separation, father was neglectful to relationship, but soon learns to love his son and they develop a healthy, humorous and habitual lifestyle together. Mother comes back and wants custody. Mother gets it, even though father makes excellent points and works his ass off...But in the the end all things work out for the father and son's benefit.

I don't think the movie is about love though. I think it is about learning. Learning how to love.
But not love by itself. That is too simple. And we as humans are more complex than that. We don't just love someone. We lose ourselves for that person. We make sacrifices. We don't just get offended. We don't just ask for forgiveness. There is more behind the story than the end result. There are deeper thought processes, and vocal dialogue and long histories that belong to people.
Love isn't love without action is it?

The relationship I have with my parents.
Maybe it is because I have lived with them a year too long, but I am so over it. I am so over being told that because of my tattoo's I cannot drive to L.A. That because of “mistakes” I have made, the consequences ensue that I am unfit to make any sort of decision for myself. I want to scream inside my skin. I want my pms tears to communicate that I have the ability to take responsibility. I want them to forgive and forget. Is that possible? Is that right? I want respect. I want trust. Have I earned it?

Tonight is my first “shabbat” that I am keeping holy. And I have already cussed my dad out inside my own head. I am starting to keep the sabbath as a day of rest, a habit I think is lost in my own life. This was told to me by someone I don't even like, but respect. I am learning to love her. And by participating in a full day of prayer, which was originated by the Gd that binds us together, I am doing love. And by calming down and writing this, I am cooling down from me and my father's argument, I am also doing love. I love my dad. I love that college graduate. But I am still angry and hurt by past (in some cases, back to high school) instances. Doing love is painful. It is really, really hard.

How ironic that I am taking a day to show my Gd that I am thankful for His ever present mercies and final and purposed action of love (death and resurrection), and within the first few hours, I am feeling unstable and emotional and angry. Were there a guide book that gives a precursor to “love action” that says you might regret it sometimes, but in the end there will be blessings. Pinky swear.

I miss movies like K v. K. It proves that humanity is not simple. There is nudity, but no sex. There is profanity, but it is realistic and appropriate (as much as it can be).
Connections are not always rational or relative and they are complex and scary, and they are full and ...and without the Gd of hope, can we fully engage in them. Can we fully participate in love.

The action kind of love.

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