"For a moment, she re-discovered the purpose of her life. She was here in earth to grasp the meaning of its wild enchantment and call each thing by its right name.” -Boris Pasternak

Friday, October 29, 2010

It's been too long. My apologies.

Nothing better than:

Sufjan Stevens concert.
dancing/running in the rain at 12:30am with your roommate.
Uncle Benny's Donuts down the street.
a well written 5pg paper about Feminists and Fundamentalism in the 1920s.
thinking about a summer well spent.
reading poetry in a basement in the Mission district with three fabulous friends.
train ride to Davis from Emeryville.
midnight showing of "The Room"
the moma for free at 9pm
Luck be Thursday with the same fabulous friends.
21rst birthday celebrations
pink flash drives
a friend's boyfriend (who is a friend) fixing your computer when viruses attack!
star wars
breakfast at tiffany's, in the kitchen while it rains outside
baguette's with butter
baguette's with melted cheese
roommate making a bowl of cookie dough, simply to eat the dough
buying toilet paper
writing poetry
praying on a roof at school
having twelve unexpected guests for shabbat dinner
lighting the Shabbat Candles
taking your mom to the BlueGrass festival
letters in the mail
phone dates
real dates
the history of religion in america
modern american jewish history
watching your Prof on CNN yell at Peggy Noonan
Sufjan Stevens
