"For a moment, she re-discovered the purpose of her life. She was here in earth to grasp the meaning of its wild enchantment and call each thing by its right name.” -Boris Pasternak

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

the sum

it is strange not keeping up with the world and my world.

facebook is totally overwhelming.

filling out rent questionares for possible future landlords.

living in the sun and wearing hats and sandals all day.

living for the youth. serving them, loving them. asking them to think and to love.

getting girl talk and adventures with my roommates in the woods.

having respomsibilities and then sliding into the lake.

hug and kiss thursday.

missing my people. learning about myself.

Friday, June 25, 2010

10 things

girl looks at me and says that when i made contact with her in our team communion, she felt loved.

two am date night with Katty in the woods.


the women deans initiation- a beautiful blessing written on our wall and a heartfelt prayer from our director.

hug and kiss thursdays.

fart machine that my student let me borrow for a night.

a shower after the mudbowl.


bonnie's worship experience.

the guys jumping around like gorillas.

^such is life at camp.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

i am still...


I had quite a morning: Dr's appointment, coffee date and shopping for mud clothes (FH mud bowl).

woohoo. I am really, really excited about swaping storied with people this summer.

I am really excited about making new friends and living in community.

I am super bummed to leave SD people again.

But I rest assured that those relationships will last for a very long time.

I hope the experience of camp this summer will better my knowledge of myself and Jesus.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

can I just say that I am obsessed with this picture!!

I'll be honest, Natalie totally inspired this post.

I am packing, again, to go 9 weeks in the mountains.
Half of me is convinced that I am going for spiritual reasons: to live in community and provoke deeper conversations with Gd and between HS students and Gd. The other half of me knows that being staff at FH doesn't exactly mean you are going for the right reasons. I spoke with L today and she said that it will be challenging and beautiful. People will make-out, get mad, make up and be real. I am trying to process the human-ness of it all.

My freshman year at FH, I forgot jean pants. It gets very, very cold at night and the entire week I borrowed other girl's jeans. I remember I took communion one night and it hit me hard that Jesus was the Savior.

My Sophomore year was pretty great. Lots of sex talks in the bathroom. I saw Kim's underwear and she and I had a really long and good talk in Heather's car one night. I was angry at this point in my life. I learned more communication skills that week. I also forgot to bring a sleeping bag.

My Junior year at FH was...well it was okay. Kim was pregnant. Angie was pregnant. Most of that week I remembered jealousy. I also remember L. I recall a moment when we were by the bathrooms down the hill and she smiled and asked if I wanted to join her in a stroll. That's the same year Charlotte and I started walking around the lake.

The summer before my Senior year I forgot to bring soap. I fell in love with someone. I don't remember his name, but I remember that another girl took him away.

The summer I graduated, I also had an internship. It would be the first summer that I was a camper and a counselor. FH represented so much for me. It represented a journey. It represented praying with a friend who was suffering from depression underneath a tree. I fell in love with a boy who actually liked me too. We dated. He had long ties with FH. He was a musician.

There was one summer that I did not go to FH.

The summer after that, last summer, I visited for a day. I felt like I was at home. I also went to Jr. High camp and Young Adult Briefing- but there is something specific and special about High School summer camp at lakeview.

I hope that expectations are met. I hope that Gd is seen. I hope that I meet people who are good for me. I hope that we are not exclusive.

I am going to miss my friends a lot- I already miss the ones in SF. But since I have been in SD, I will miss them too. I have spent a fabulous two weeks with these people; an array of them, all very unique and lovely. Wine, beer, cheese, Mexican food, starbucks, shopping, movies, late night talks, long talks, short kisses, long hugs, tall boys and medium girls, surprises and routine.

These seasons are fascinating; I don't want them to runaway.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Job 38:19

What is the way to the abode of light?

^I love this.
I want to write poetry and I think this verse, from a man who held hope close, though he was broken, will be my thesis. I like this idea... portfolio, here I come!
