"For a moment, she re-discovered the purpose of her life. She was here in earth to grasp the meaning of its wild enchantment and call each thing by its right name.” -Boris Pasternak

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Christopher got accepted to Edinburgh! This is very exciting. N and T are getting married this summer (sayeth the bridesmaid!) and their life together is going to travel the world. I am so proud of them.

J's house-mate's cousin just gave birth to her second baby boy.

I got an email yesterday that I have been accepted to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree this Spring. I suppose they approve of everything. My honors include cum laude. I guess that's pretty cool.

I had a successful meeting with one of my Professors the other day. I am very excited and very nervous about the theses I am writing, and will finish in 6 weeks.

William Fitzsimmons is performing at the Independent in May and I get to go with K and J.

We're planning a very small, intimate and beautiful Passover seder next week. It's going to be sincere and great.

And I cried and cried all day today.

Life is just really overwhelming right now. I am trying my best to keep my community together and also include a new Love. And it's going to take some getting used to. Communicating. Adjusting. Loving and Believing. It's all grace my friend.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Today is beautiful.

I got to brunch with S & D. The sun is out. A light breeze through my window. The house is clean. My room is cleaned. I am clean. My love is coming over soon. Shabbat is tonight. I made a sweet dance-party mix. My feet are killing me from dancing at an 80s club last night. Worth it.

SF, you've won me over once again.
