"For a moment, she re-discovered the purpose of her life. She was here in earth to grasp the meaning of its wild enchantment and call each thing by its right name.” -Boris Pasternak

Saturday, June 27, 2009

perfect family

I am here with my family in Connecticut.

We're sad about Michael Jackson. But we're glad to be together for my Cous's bar Mitzvah.

It was this morning and it was perfect. Ben has asbergers syndrome and we didn't know what to anticipate. Every single person who was related to Ben, who attended had role in the service. I chanted from the Torah, it was awesome. We all were crying and laughing. You could tell that the congregation was close and all inclusive. The DJ wasn't the best, but the older cousins (me, Syd and Charlie) and our Aunts (especially Cel) danced with joy. We were happy. And we didn't care what others thought (especially because the others were all 'us').

I must say, this morning was the most beautiful Bar Mitzvah I have ever been to.

Right at this moment, I am sitting on the back porch with Ben next to me. We are watching 11 of our cousins (plus three unrelated relatives and 1 second cousin once removed) playing soccer in the huge backyard. This is military housing and all the "backyards" are connected. The sun is setting. The eastern sky is illuminated with light reflected through clouds. I can see distant rain storms. Its crazy; I can see the actual path of the rain miles from me.


I just swatted a mosquito and I decided that i can never live here for the bugs. I have sensitive skin for bug bites, and I have a phobia of ants. The ants here are HUGE. I am so in love with my family right now. We (meaning cousins) have been discussing different themes in our family, from body shapes to conflicting childhood stories from our mothers, and tactile habits.

Sitting here, eating food. People are coming and going. I feel like this is the perfect kind of moment. It is lovely and good. yeah, we yell. We're Jewish. But we always love each other. And the fact that beyond any argument or rough spot, we can still celebrate a Bar Mitzvah and play soccer in a field of a backyard and this is it.

I just killed my twelfth mosquito...

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