"For a moment, she re-discovered the purpose of her life. She was here in earth to grasp the meaning of its wild enchantment and call each thing by its right name.” -Boris Pasternak

Friday, August 14, 2009

the last days

500 Days of Summer- The Smiths
Away We Go- Alexi Murdoch
Funny People- Wilco

Bought my first TOM's shoes today.
When you buy a pair of these really cute shoes, another one is sent to an orphanage in a third world country. http://www.tomsshoes.com/content.asp?tid=227
Normally, people can order online, but I didn't feel like paying for the shipment or waiting, so while I was in Hillcrest for a lunch with my History Prof and friend, Devon, I headed down to MINT where Nancy, a chic who was wearing a Gogol Bordello t-shirt, sold me these shoes. I don't think I have ever spent this much money on any one item in my life. $51.24. I have a feeling that is the best fifty bucks I will have spent this year.

While I was in Hillcrest, I saw a sign with a photograph of Sean Penn. It was artsy, black and white, he was holding a cigarette. In small print it read, "San Diego Museum of Art [blah blah blah]." It dawned on me that I won't ever be able to see that exhibit for the rest of my life. Maybe that's a bit dramatic, but there is definitely a sense of urgency to my leaving southern CA. I am nervous and so excited. Devon wrote me the sweetest note and one part surprised me. She wrote something along the lines of me blowing SFSU's Jewish Studies Department away. I guess I haven't thought about the educational aspect of my move. Which is silly, because of course, that is why I am moving. It makes me more excited than nervous thinking about the school part.

Even while my room is totally disorganized and my lunch, breakfast, dinner, coffee and beach dates are filling up, I feel a sudden sense of peace. Everything will work out. And I will have that freedom, of public transportation and intellectual dialogues.

But I still encourage everyone in my community to get a skype. Cause I am going to miss everybody and want to see their faces...

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Copy Cat! lol jk. I love the red ones :) And I soo wanna go see the photo exhibit at SDMA!

I know you are feeling excited and nervous about leaving but don't think of it as leaving forever. You're not. We are all gonna be here when you get back in one way or another. Everyone's roads will meet again and there is no reason ours shouldn't stay connected forever.

I was thinking it would be cool if, once you get settled in SF, me, you, Tofer, Allison, and Steevn start a bible study online on Skype and meet once a week to do it. Wouldn't that be fun?

Love you!
