"For a moment, she re-discovered the purpose of her life. She was here in earth to grasp the meaning of its wild enchantment and call each thing by its right name.” -Boris Pasternak

Friday, January 15, 2010

beautiful child

^song by Fleetwood Mac. This song means so much.

Dude- Songbird by them is really good too. Sometimes there is an artist that you resonate with. I feel like Stevie Nicks and I would not get along. But I know that I would seek her approval and our lives would have too much in common.

I saw Avatar today. Really wonderful.

Tonight was my first night with HS youth group at my Church. I loved it. There was a q and a with the kids: everything from favorite color to siblings, to books and finally is your family Messianic...

I've spent too much time at Craig's Place. It's my favorite new deli. And not because of the name, though it makes me smile quite wide actually.

Sometimes I read too much into things.

Spent time with two girls from my Bible study in the city today. They are my friends. Funny how friends fade in and out of importance and relevance. I see so many potentials and yet, it was these two random girls that I have spent the most time with in the last 6 months. They are kind and funny. Beautiful and generous. We talk about Yeshua, movies, boys, food, etc...

Good night San Francisco.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Beautiful Child" is one of my Favourite Stevie songs, too...just gorgeous!

Stevie Nicks style clothing, jewelry and accessories, for the Gypsy in you:

