"For a moment, she re-discovered the purpose of her life. She was here in earth to grasp the meaning of its wild enchantment and call each thing by its right name.” -Boris Pasternak

Sunday, May 17, 2009

a day, oh what a day!

Sunday. May 17. People.

1. Natalie: made me a mix two years ago. I put it on my new little ipod and RadioHead, Regina Spektor, and Zeppelin = smells and feelings from my internship in La Canada so long ago...mostly good feelings...

2. Kim: made her a playlist for her birthday and I have not stopped listening to it (besides Nat's mix :)...

3. Charlotte: and I went shopping for bathing suits today at an unfavorable mall. It was so good to spend time with that beauty; it had been too long before this afternoon. She found two CUTE swim suits, and I bought a red sweater...

4. Zach, Jay and Stephanie: were working at my Starbucks tonight. They are such a great team. So proficient and friendly. I just love those guys, especially because they let us stay ten minutes after closing...

5. Tassy: and I studied together...very beneficial...

6. Jimmy, Chris and Dominic: were also found at the "bucks"...I am becoming more fond of rolled cigarettes...definitely more unhealthy, but very hippie! Talked about some old favorites, such as Harriet the Spy and Matilda...

7. Shira: "Hey, I am at the train station downtown!" So I went over; we had a good hour of updates and pictures...

8. Hannah: I miss that freaking sister of mine! Nothing really exceptional happened relating to her...I think about her ALL the time...

9. Michael: (this is a cheat because it was last night) saw Angels and Demons- AMAZING movie! I highly recommend it...

10. Remy: planing a coffee date tomorrow. I am going to miss him this summer (he is going back to Israel and India. Will be gone for...something like 8 months! ...

11. Emily: because the Flaming Lips just came on ;)...

12. Helen: and I were talking about wedding plans! So excited for her and Yoseif...

13. Tuna: I ate a sandwich for lunch...this brings up Abbie because she hates it so much. A myriad of people who look down upon my obsession with it...

14. Allison: and I have had a lot of time together, talking, watching movies, rekindling our strong and adored relationship. She is talented and I can't wait until she is credited for her immense effort she gives to her work and my life...

15. Lauren: found her grandmother's sex book while cleaning out the Condo...no words...

Days like this make me so happy. Though it was a long one, it was full of conversation, people, sun and homework. I am in love with life right now. I am in love with the people in my life. One week of school to go! Planning summer! Now for sleep and dreams...


Natalie said...

1. Love the picture of Allison and the picture of Charlotte :)
2. I am glad you still like that mix! I have no idea what was on it but I'm glad you liked it!
3. I can't wait to see you! Only one more week! I will see you next Tuesday :)

Natalie said...

4) I forgot to tell you taht right now we are at my house and Christopher has eaten 3 of my 4 banana waffles in the last 10 minutes. lol. It reminded me of you. I would otherwise be irritated that he is eating all my freakin waffles but it's entertaining to watch him fiddle with my broken toaster oven then sit down to read just to have the stupid toaster oven beep at him less then 3 seconds later. lol.

Malka said...

1, 2, 3, and especially 4 = beautiful!!
