"For a moment, she re-discovered the purpose of her life. She was here in earth to grasp the meaning of its wild enchantment and call each thing by its right name.” -Boris Pasternak

Sunday, February 28, 2010

good sunday

today has been one...
Reality SF is a new Church plant in my city. This morning was my first encounter with their worship. I have been avoiding it because I don't like doing things that are popular and I have already found a great little Church.

The music, the teaching, the community was fabulous. I felt at home. I felt safe to dance- I think I will next time I go. A decision that was not too difficult to make involves a monthly Church schedule. I will go to Reality SF twice a month and the other two weeks I will go to DPC and at DPC I will teach Sunday school once a month, go to youth group three weeks a month and the Reality prayer-meeting once a month. This and the women's Bible study that I have with JFJ and then another one I have with city cru- I also have an individual jb meeting with Rachelle once a week; therapy; d-lab every Monday night. 15 hours a week between my two jobs and 12 upper-division unit classes.

Can anyone say burned out?

I felt refreshed this morning. I went to the SFpubliclibrary after Church and I got my hands on a very special book that is rare (published in 1912) and significant to my research. i felt like a real, big-girl historian. I liked that feeling.

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