"For a moment, she re-discovered the purpose of her life. She was here in earth to grasp the meaning of its wild enchantment and call each thing by its right name.” -Boris Pasternak

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

catchy title

^My hand and Charlotte, taken in 2006
I found something I had written in that same year:

My plans for the future.
College: Westmont, Cal State Northridge, SDSU, Palomar???
Major: Deaf studies, Hospitality, Art, Communications???
Jobs: ASL Interpreter, Pastor, social worker???

Funny how life works out in the end...

My schedule this semester:
Voices of European Women, The Renaissance, Holocaust and Film, History 300...
9 hours a week at the DPRC...
Friday night High School Youth group, personal development with Chelle, Therapy, a women's Bible study, woman's small group, City Cru Bible study, Sunday School, Prayer meeting, Church (x2)...
Another job lined up (interview is tomorrow!).
Sleep (40 hours a week).
Friends: all day, every day.

I am just tired.

I love being a historian. But I love listening and interacting with people much more than quote, unquote researching. I am at peace I think. Listening to good music and drinking a good cup of coffee.

So I am quitting smoking for reals. Not just because of the comments my mom gives every time I see her, and not just because lent starts tomorrow, and not just because I am volunteering with HSers. Not because I am going to die fifteen years earlier than everyone else. And not because I have no money; not because most of my friends don't smoke, or when I walk past someone, they can smell it.

But it's actually all of those reasons.

wish me luck!

It's going to be very, very difficult. No person is an island. I've been telling almost everyone, so that I can be kept accountable. I think some friends are gonna go out for dinner with me to Puerto Alegre (the best Mexican food in the whole City)...that will be good, relaxing. I am excited (Erin, Ariel and possibly Casey) they are all such good people. Hmmm...My friend's in San Francisco. I am majoring in U.S. History at SFSU. I am going out to buy an ink cartridge for my printer tomorrow. I have a job proctoring tests. I volunteer my time. I am conquering an addiction.

Funny how life works out in the end.

^ my friend Jovi painted this...


Natalie said...

Thats the house from UP :)

Elaine said...

really well done. beautiful.
