I am so over my major.
Isn't this horrible? When does what I want and what I do intertwine? At least once a week I want to change my major or drop out of college.
ex: today during lecture, we were discussing Zionism and how it really came into fruition during the enlightenment period ie the French revolution. I noticed that my interest and attention peaked during the European history and when the lecture moved back towards Jews in eastern Europe I became extremely bored.
I know this is small and just one example of distraction, however I think this is a pointer to the fact that I am interested in history. Every history class I have ever taken has been a pleasure to take. I have always loved history. I love the art, I love the letters and the speeches, the wars and the peace. I love the conversations and the pictures, the boats and the castles, the marriages and deaths. I love it all.
I loved sign language, I loved women's studies, I even loved biology more than I am loving Jewish studies!!
What's going on????
I don't get it. I will finish my degree, but with what degree is the question.
I do not like this back and forth unsettling thought process.
I suppose I have the next topic for my shrink on Monday.
Well, it's quite normal to for you to have flip-flopping thoughts in your young adult life. Sometimes I believe we put too much pressure on ourselves to have this perfect plan, right NOW. If it's one thing I've found out is that plans don't work out, except for God's plan...which will be revealed at exactly the right time :)
You've got a right to be confused, to start praying for your creator to sort it out for you.
Ashley has good thoughts. It's okay for you to be a history major, too, ya know. I love you whatever your major is.
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