"For a moment, she re-discovered the purpose of her life. She was here in earth to grasp the meaning of its wild enchantment and call each thing by its right name.” -Boris Pasternak

Friday, November 13, 2009

catch up

so much time has passed!

I saw my generations teen pop idol's Hanson perform on the Quad at my school and was a few minutes late to my class because of it.

^Taylor Hanson

My roommates and I had a family meeting, then we had another family meeting with our RA, who has become a friend and nothing has changed. They are still inconsiderate, I am still lame and we are still a passive aggressive house.

I cut and died my hair.

I took and passed the JEPET exam. It is a silly English exam that you have to take when you are in upper division and 83% of students usually fail it. A huge weight off my shoulders.

I went on a spiritual retreat with Campus Crusade for Christ, or preferably known as City Cru. I made incredible connections with almost a dozen people. They are gems. Gd has been loud in giving me community when I most need it. It's amazing because we have such similar tastes in our humor, our music, our lives. We had four hours of silence and solitude on a furlough day on campus and it was beautiful.

^Nick, Kyle and Lewis

Last night, with one of the city cru girls, Kelly, we saw A Fine Frenzy, It was magnificent. I haven't been to a concert in such a long time and the time was refreshing. I think there should be a rule that musicians are not allowed to make eye contact with the audience. Because there are those 48 seconds that you're eyes are locked and he or she is singing a song to you and you fall in love. And the stomach love feeling stays with you for almost 24 hours and it's not fair.

^Ali from A Fine Frenzy

school is good. this month is crazy for me. I look forward to Seattle for Thanksgiving. It kind of freaks me out that I have less than a month of school left.
History, Jewish Studies: conflict is still on my mind.
My Charlotte is coming into town and I am ridiculously excited! We have plans to see Twelfth Night performed by the creative arts college in SFSU.
Until then:

Shabbat Shalom!


Lauren Alexis said...

Congratz on passing the JEPET! That's cool you went on a retreat with Campus Crusade... they seem like cool peeps :D I may be going to see 12th Night tomorrow as well... when r u going? I haven't decided if I'm going to the evening show, or the matinee... :D have a good night! maybe i'll see ya tomorrow!

Elaine said...

i love u
