"For a moment, she re-discovered the purpose of her life. She was here in earth to grasp the meaning of its wild enchantment and call each thing by its right name.” -Boris Pasternak

Saturday, February 19, 2011

it's an odd number, but a great day.

It's raining like crazy.

I am so in love.

It worked out that I am doing an independent study with one of my favorite professors.

I have absolutely no money.

I am listening to sad music, but I am not sad. It's appropriate.

I have a heating pad on my lap.

the girls are sleeping.

my tea is cold.

Shabbat was beautiful last night.

funny how moods work.

Gd is so good.

I woke up this morning, literally speaking a verse I haven't thought about in a long time:

If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don't love, I'm nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate...Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly.

1 Corinthians.

Now, to be honest. I haven't read the Bible to read the Bible in a really long time. Especially not Paul's epistles. BUT, I think these words are true. In spite of my apostate spiritual season. In leiu of my nature, ever giving, ever changing, ever taking.


1 comment:

Lauren Alexis said...

Hello dear Malka! Your blog is wonderful!! :) I don't know if you know, but I'm in China right now ;) I haven't been on facebook or anything in 4 months (crazy I know)... but every once in a while I can check blogs!

Oddly enough you were in my dream last night.. I was in a taxi in China... trying to tell the driver where to take me... and for some reason you were in the front seat... we had decided to share a taxi... you were going to get groceries and I was going to school (sfsu).... All of a sudden you busted out Chinese, and I was like, "How does Malka know Chinese?" but, your Chinese morphed into Hebrew!! It was really cool actually. After you got out at your stop the taxi driver changed from a Chinese man to a Jewish man, from Israel, and then another man showed up in the car, and he was Jewish as well......

I'm not exactly sure what that meant... I'm kind of hoping that it means at some point after I'm in China, I will get to go to Israel! ;)

Anywho..... So, you're graduating in May! Exciting and scary huh? It felt so weird to be done with school... to know I was never going back.... I miss it sometimes... I miss SF too :) how are you doing with that? Did you have good classes this last year? Did you keep up with Hebrew?

I hope all is going well for you darling ;) I definitely enjoyed my last semester at State, learning Hebrew, spending time with Eli, meeting you ;)

You are precious Malka! And I hope you have a sweet last semester @ Sfstate ;) I know Dad has wonderful plans for you ;)

Much love,
