"For a moment, she re-discovered the purpose of her life. She was here in earth to grasp the meaning of its wild enchantment and call each thing by its right name.” -Boris Pasternak

Thursday, July 9, 2009

a HOME feeling

A HOME feeling

It's like when I got back from India. My room had a musty smell to it, no one had been inside for three months. My old clothes seemed new and there were endless possibilities of what to wear. Last year when I came home, I was skinny because of all the sickness and hiking in Israel and India. This time, I probably gained fifteen pounds. Oy vey. Oy vacation.

Connecticut: Amazing! Family and food. Rest and relaxation.

An hour after we flew in, my friend Megan and I drove to Pasadena to sleep over at our friend Leslie's home. She is so beautiful and wise.
We had about three hours of sleep. But it was okay, because we were praying together, really cool.

Forest Home: This place is my home, in the forest. :) I went to this camp throughout my high school career and it changed my life. For the better. Angie was the HS camp director and her lessons were so deeply integrated with games, worship, quiet prayer time, and team interactions. She presented Jesus as a reality. We met Leslie initially because she was our dean almost every year.

Our Church became really, really connected with a lot of the staff over the years. And from thousands of Church groups and individual campers, we have been told that we are the “family” of the summer. Although Megan and I are no longer in High School, we decided, with Leslie, to drive up for a day while our Church was there.

It was perfect. The camp director, Michael (who is deep and wonderful) had just lost a friend, and so the day was sensitive. This is the first summer to not have our friend who died in December- it was emotional. The food was just as bad, the worship- just as good. I think I am being called to work there next summer. It will be hard. I understand that. But I think it will also be so good. And there is also another year, I am in no hurry to decide.

On our way from SF to Sac:

San Francisco for orientation was great. I made two new friends who are going to school with me, plus a friend from the airplane. I saw the apartment I am going to be living in, it will be my home for the next two years at least.

Sacramento with granddad, Grandma and cousins...super emotional. My grandmother is not doing very well, and it was devastating seeing her so weak. It was like she wasn't really there. She has had something like three strokes in the last three years. I mourn the loss of my Grandma of who she was. Her husband though has such great faith. He shows such incredible integrity...My Granddad is adorable. We have a really sweet connection, which I love. And my dad's sister (a widow) with her eight children. Our Carl's Jr. was...good. It was good to see them. Tomorrow we are going river rafting with my other Aunt, her daughter and my Aunt's new boyfriend. I am excited. So much family. So many home feelings.

Smokey and Janet Stover

Being home in San Diego, with not a lot to do today or even over the weekend, is nice.
I was at home with my family in Conn. and in Sac. We all have the same problems and fears and joys. San Fran will be my own home for a new season of life.
And I felt at home at forest home, because I was with my faith family and a place I feel safe.

PS: Looking at pictures and praying for my Israeli friends also gives me a home feeling. Even if its more of an emotional one...
